Sunday 28 February 2010

Way back then

Childhood...what is that? Can anyone define this word? I do not remember having one. I just grew up too soon. You see I was the eldest of three children. All the responsibility remained on my shoulders. It was one of those things, I was not asked if this is what I wanted. I did not have a choice. It was to be my role, my life from as early on as I can possibly remember. This was to be my destiny, even into my forties, with a family of my own, this responsibility would always be mine to rise up to . Childhood....did you have one?

Memories, past and present......

I have had this idea for so many years now, always wanting to put pen to paper, to write down thoughts, events, those special moments. I am talking about memories. Yes, memories, those plain and simple memories that we are always in search of, may they be good , bad, happy, sad, just memories, whichever way we can find them. I want to write about those times in our lives, the events that touch our souls, the tears, joy, the moments we wanted to forget maybe, you know those once in a lifetime events. I hope that I will be able to find those moments that I have always been trying very hard to hold on to over the years.

This will not only be about the past, I wish to also write about the present, the love and joy my life has been full of over the recent years. The miracle of life within this recent present, all of that and more. I do not know where all this will take me at this stage. I will let my heart lead the way and my thoughts do all the talking.